Hello. It has been a minute, friends. I haven’t blogged since I shutdown my Wordpress website (RIP, Wanderlaughs) and launched this portfolio site in 2017. So much has changed in the world, in my personal life, and in myself since that time. The biggest change? I moved back to New York City. And, with that shift in zip code, I’ve been attending lots of events. I’ve been documenting them privately, for posterity, but earlier this week I was inspired to share a little taste of what my life looks like right now. Just as the great writers before more, I did what we are wont to do and frankly, the best at, I procrastinated. Speaking directly to an audience feels a little foreign to me right now, but, a new friend I met this afternoon advised me that “it’s just like riding a bike”. So, with that clunky intro, we push on, bound to stumble and endure some scrapes along the way, stopping as often as we can to enjoy the journey’s view.